Sunday, November 25, 2007

Brooke got a new best friend......

This past weekend, we were blessed to be able to spend some time with my cousin Amy. Of course, I know Amy and her family well, so I already loved her and was excited about having her come to visit. However, after 4 1/2 days with Amy, the rest of my family fell in love with her too! I think Brooke thought that she had a new sister, a new big sister. I was ironing Amy and Brooke's dress for church today, and Brooke was watching me....."Whose dress is that? It is super big?" Well, I guess in comparison to Brooke's dress, Amy's would be "super big." Brooke and Amy both had "cozy blankets", so they would both sit on the couch and read their books. After dropping Amy off at campus this afternoon, we came home and the minute we got out of the car, Brooke said, "I miss Amy already!" When we got in the house, Wesley hung up her name on the fridge. "I miss Amy because you and dad are too big and busy, and Andrew and Brooke are little and like to whine, but Amy is just right." Well.....there you have it, wisdom from the mouth of an 8-year old (?). Anyway, you look at it, WE MISS YOU, AMY!!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Time to Trim the Tree

Our family custom includes trimming the tree every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. After a day of shopping, we buy the tree and get it decorated. It is always fun, and good this year to have my cousin Amy joining us. Everyone had a job---Michelle made the finger foods, Gary hung the lights, the kids placed the ornaments, and Amy made the bow to place on top of the tree. It is the start of the Christmas season for all of us---we have alot of fun and like to stretch it out for as long as possible.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The faith of a child

For some reason, while Brooke and I were sitting and eating lunch yesterday, Brooke said, “Do you want to go to the lake of fire?” I proceeded to explain to her that God made the lake of fire for Satan, and that if Satan is there, I don’t want to have anything to do with it. Brooke agreed, “I hate Satan. He is very bad and mean.” (I have told the kids not to say “hate” about anybody, but Brooke once asked, “Can I hate Satan?” I said yes, so whenever she mentions Satan, the word “hate” always comes up.) I then proceeded to tell Brooke that we all will have to go to the lake of fire with Satan unless we are saved. “Am I saved?” she asked. I hate answering that question---no, Brooke you are not saved, though you have such faith in anyone or anything. I just ignored the question. Brooke proceeded, “How do I be saved?” I asked her if she was a sinner? “I think so,” she said. I told her what sin is, and she said, “I did sin before, but not today.” I told her that to be saved she has to trust in Jesus, to choose Him to be her Savior. I said, “Do you believe God?” Of course, she said, “Yes!” Do you want to obey Him? There was a long moment of silence, and a pondering look on her face. After a time, she answered, to my great joy,…….”I choose God!” I love to plant the seeds of faith in a young child’s heart. Brooke is just starting to understand the truths surrounding God and our eternal destiny. But, what faith, and what a conscious decision on her part to choose God. When confronted with this decision each day---to choose my own way or choose God's way, I hope we all, like Brooke, choose God.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Harvest Festival

Yes, my children look amazingly wicked, except for my sweet Brooke. Wesley and Andrew have so much Star Wars attire, that it just seemed natural to have them dress up as these creatures from the "dark side." Gary painted Andrew's face, and when Andrew washed it off later that evening, I told him I was happy to have my precious "good" boy back. Anyway, we had alot of fun at the church harvest festival, and came away with enough candy to rot all of our teeth :)

Brooke as Minnie Mouse; Wesley as Darth Vader; and..... Andrew as Darth Mall