Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The stop-over before China

Mom and dad stopped over in the LA area for 5 days before they left on their 3-week trip to China. I considered "forcing" mom to use chopsticks at our house (as a good practice), but she thought she would enjoy her last use of the fork for awhile. We enjoyed the time with them, and will be praying for their trip and safe return to LAX in 3 weeks.

We had a visit to Build-a-bear workshops (not in our pj's).

The boys showed gramma and poppa their new skills at the skatepark.

Fun games!

We took them on a hike in Malibu.

Dad and I took on Wes and Drew in a nerf gun war. Andrew won this battle.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Who hiding behind the shield in the nerf warfare? Looks like a lot of fun.

As always the time goes by so fast when they visit you. We will be praying for them as they are in China.