Saturday, January 27, 2007

Brooke's haircut

The first picture is Brooke's "before" picture. We had been trying to grow her bangs out, and they had gotten quite long. However, she does not like clips or headbands, so her bangs usually got in the way.

Here is her "after" picture. We just went ahead and cut it all! She likes it, too. When she was done getting her hair cut, she just swished it all around and laughed.


SturgillMom said...

Oh my word, Michelle! She looks like she is SO old -- I can't wait to see her in person :)

SturgillMom said...

Michelle, I thought I would respond to your question here because I didn't know if you would check back on my blog for an answer. Anyways, if you want to do a slideshow, you just go to and make sure you create an account first (it is free.) If you want to do a video like from your digital camera or something, you just go to Hope that helps :)